When life happens, your Corporate Chaplain Cares.
What is a Corporate Chaplain?
Corporate Chaplains are simply caregivers in the workplace, who combine corporate experience with professional chaplaincy training. CCA Corporate Chaplains help you boost your company culture by intentionally engaging with each team member.
Your CCA Corporate Chaplain can provide support for you during challenging situations including...
- Divorce or Relationship Problems
- Death of a Loved One
- Financial Crisis
- Physical and/or Mental Illnesses
- Any other situation that you choose to share with your Corporate Chaplain
How Will My Corporate Chaplain Care for Me?
Every interaction with your Corporate Chaplain is...
At CCA we believe in fostering relationships built on trust. It’s difficult to develop a sincere, intentional relationship if your interactions are required, which is why we emphasize that this is voluntary.
Our team is here for your team and we never want to be an unwanted presence. All of our interactions are permission-based, so you will not receive any unwanted contact. If you need someone to talk to, your CCA Corporate Chaplain will be eager to help.
Privacy matters to you, and your privacy matters to us. Everything you say to your CCA Corporate Chaplain is kept confidential and will never be repeated to your coworkers or HR, unless self-harm or harm of others is discussed.
Your Corporate Chaplain is Always on Call
Reach out to your Corporate Chaplain for support whenever and however you choose to:
Via Private Phone Line
You will have access to our comprehensive resources 24/7/365 because no one should have to walk through life’s challenges alone. When you call your corporate chaplain, they will call you back within 10 minutes.
![Chaplain speaking to warehouse employee](https://chaplain.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/chaplain-in-warehouse-speaking-to-employee-web.jpg)
Corporate Chaplains Are Not:
- Directors/Supervisors
- Management
- Church Recruiters
- Preachers
We respect the faith boundaries of individuals and adhere to the standards and expectations for a confidential, voluntary, permission-based, and secular workplace ministry.
Your Corporate Chaplain Cares!
No matter who you are or what you believe, your CCA Corporate Chaplain wants to care for you. Our team is there for you and your family when life happens.
![Chaplain speaking to warehouse employee](https://chaplain.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/chaplain-speaking-to-employee-1024x683.jpeg)