Business Owners & CEOs

Create a Culture of Care for Your Team

Grow Your Business by Supporting Your Employees

As a business leader, it can be challenging to carve out time to assist your team through personal crises. Hundreds of businesses nationwide partner with CCA to demonstrate their support and provide one-on-one care that every employee needs to feel supported and a part of the team.

Download “The Company Culture Advantage” PDF for more information on how your company culture could benefit from a dedicated Corporate Chaplain or schedule an appointment today.

Business Owner Benefits of a CCA Chaplain

Improve Employee Productivity

When an employee is emotionally unhealthy, there is a decrease in productivity. Actively disengaged employees cost the U.S. $450 to $550 billion per year in lost productivity.

Lower Employee Turnover

Company culture dictates employee turnover. If your team is not effectively cared for, you run the risk of losing hardworking team members. Your CCA Corporate Chaplain helps you boost company culture and decrease turnover.

Better Job Performance

Emotionally unhealthy employees affect productivity. When your employees suffer, so does your business. When your team has someone to confide in, it boosts morale and job performance.


Read on to learn how our Chaplains are making a positive impact on the employees they serve.

Is your company culture holding your business back?

Download our informational PDF guide “Quiet Quitting” to find out how your team’s culture could benefit from a dedicated Corporate Chaplain.


Please fill out the form below to download ‘Quiet Quitting‘ eBook to learn how to learn how to recognize it and respond to it decisively and compassionately.